10 reasons why video content is so powerful
10 reasons why video content is so powerful
Apr 25, 2023

10 reasons why video content is so powerful

Why are so many marketers talking about video content? It’s an exciting topic – and it’s not all talk.

86% of businesses use video as a marketing tool, and 93% of marketers who use video say that it’s an important part of their marketing strategy (Wyzowl).

To put it simply, if you’re not using video content, you risk losing potential customers to more video-savvy competitors. If that isn’t reason enough, here’s 10 reasons why video content is so powerful in marketing. We’ll cover how video connects to consumers, helps SEO, gets shares and drives conversions.

Everyone enjoys video content

To be successful as a company, you need to cater to your audience’s wants and needs. Again and again, research has shown that consumers not only enjoy but prefer video content.

When measured against other types of content, such as image and text, video content comes out on top.

In recent years, this has only become more true. With the pandemic, the video-watching habits of 68% of people have changed – with 96% now watching more video content.

And they want more. The same Wyzowl survey found that 85% of people want to see even more video from brands in 2021.

Video increases sales & revenue

Video can get you more views and shares. But it can also get you more conversions and sales. Want to encourage potential customers to make a purchase? 84% of people have been convinced to buy a product or service by watching a brand’s video.

And this translates into your revenue. Forbes reported that marketers who use video grow their revenue 49% faster than non-video users. It’s no wonder that more and more businesses are using video as a marketing tool.

Video content improves SEO

Still from JPS animation of man pointing to pie chart in meeting

Want to improve how your website ranks on popular search engines like Google? Video content can help you out. Video has been shown to drive a 157% increase in organic traffic from SERPs (Brightcove).

Google takes into account factors such as dwell time and who is linking to your web pages. Video benefits these factors. In fact, the average web user spends 88% more time on a web page with a video (Oberlo). And when it comes to blog posts, those that include video attract 3x as many inbound links as those without video (Moz).

A great storytelling medium

If your marketing material comes off as too sales-y, it will turn off potential customers. Instead, focus on storytelling. It’s engaging, memorable, and has emotional and psychological appeal. Because of this, it allows businesses to build deeper connections with their audience.

“Marketing is no longer about the stuff that you make, but the stories you tell.”

Seth Godin

Author, owner of Seth's Blog

Check out how we used stop-motion animated storytelling in this video we produced for NHBC:

Explain anything with video

Video combines the explanatory power of imagery, text and audio to share a lot of information very efficiently. 94% of video marketers say video has helped increase user understanding of their product or service (Wyzowl)

Perhaps you want to showcase your product. Or you want to educate your audience about a certain issue or cause. Maybe you want to demonstrate how your software works.

Got complex information to get across? Explainer videos are especially good at this. Find out more about explainer videos here.

Video is versatile

Homepages, blog posts, social media profiles – video works for a wide range of platforms. Another place you can use video content is in email marketing campaigns. Indeed, video can increase email open rates by 19% and click rates by 65% while reducing unsubscribe rates by 26% (Campaign Monitor).

Video content can also be repurposed into different communication and marketing materials. Through the magic of editing, longer-form videos can be cut down into bitesize social media clips. Additionally, it’s relatively simple to convert video into beautiful still images and eye-catching gifs.

“Online video is the Swiss army knife of internet marketing."

Mark Robertson

Founder, ReelSEO

Video content is memorable

% Message Retained

Delivering your message is one thing. Ensuring that your target audience retains your message is another.

Luckily, video content is great at both. It outperforms other content types when it comes to making people understand and remember your brand.

According to Wordstream, 80% of people who watch a video ad can recall it 30 days later. Plus, viewers retain 85% more info from watching a video than by reading text.

Video builds confidence and trust

Video is unique in its ability to connect with and inspire trust in audiences. There are several reasons for this. For one, high-quality video content shows that you care about providing a high-quality experience. Secondly, video lets viewers to get a more authentic sense of your company and the people behind it.

And the data backs it up. More than half of marketers say that video helps them build trust with potential customers (Biteable). It was this reason that led Starpoint Solutions to our video production services. Read about their experiences with building trust using video content here.

Social media favours video content

It’s hard to not notice how video has come to dominate social media in recent years. According to Forbes, over half a billion people are watching video on Facebook every day.

It doesn’t stop at Facebook. YouTube, a social platform centred on posting and sharing video content, is now the second most popular website after Google. And according to LinkedIn, video gets 5x more engagement and 20x more shares than other LinkedIn post types.

It's worth the cost

Many businesses worry that professional video content is too expensive to be a worthwhile investment. But video production is often not as expensive as many people worry. To learn more about video production pricing, read our Pricing FAQ.

Video is also known to provide good ROI. 87% of video marketers say video, in general, gives them a good return on their investment (Wyzowl).

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